What is define brush?

define brushにおいて、美しさとは、ほんの少しの優雅さとシンプルさで最も輝くものと信じています。
define brushで、ストロークごとにあなただけの魅力と洗練さが調和する美しさを体験してください。

At define brush, we believe that beauty shines brightest with a touch of elegance and simplicity. Our mission is to empower individuals to achieve flawless, radiant looks with minimal makeup. Through our meticulously crafted brushes, we blend artistry and precision to enhance natural beauty effortlessly.
With define brush, experience the art of understated perfection,
where every stroke reveals a harmonious balance of grace and sophistication.



メイクアップアーティスト。オレゴンに留学後,イギリスに渡り、LCFでメイクアップを学ぶ。卒業後、フリーランスのメイクアップアーティストとしてロンドンでキャリアをスタートし、帰国後は多くの雑誌や広告、CMなどを手がける。人によって違う、その人だけの魅力をディファイン(明確に)するメイクに定評があり、数々の女優やモデルが厚い信頼を寄せる。そのメソッドをまとめた著書『ディファインメイクで自分の顔を好きになる “私だけの魅力”が絶対見つかる自己肯定メソッド』がある。

Define Brush Founder, Makeup Artist
Miwako Mizuno

After studying abroad in Oregon, she moved to England and studied makeup at LCF. After graduating, she started her career as a freelance makeup artist in London, and after returned to Japan. Highly regarded in the industry she has worked on many magazines, advertisements, and commercials. She has a reputation for makeup that defines the unique charm of each person, and is trusted by many actresses and models. Her book that summarizes her method, Define Makeup is about Self-affirmation showing one's own charm through makeup. Bringing out your inner beauty letting you Makeup who you are!
Her book is now on sale at link below.
